- Rock: expressed as a clenched fist
- Scissors: represented by two fingers separated
- Paper: expressed ad an open hand with all finger extended
- Rock beats scissors
- Scissors beats paper
- Paper beats rock
- Rock versus rock, scissors versus scissors, paper versus paper results in a draw
Download the .tar.gz package (by link below) and extract it; after you have to compile the whowins.c file (you can do this simply launching gcc -O3 -o whowins whowins.c on your terminal). Now you can execute rps.sh as script specifying rock (or 1), paper (or 2), scissor (or 3) or random to play versus PC.
Eventually I'll develop a Java porting for all non-unix like platform (maybe with a GUI).
The package contains:
- align.sh, center.sh and rps.sh: bash scripts to prepare the environment and align the text
- whowins.c: a C dummy program that establishes who player wins
- strings: contains a "raw" configuration strings (be careful to change it, let the lines into the original ordering)